When choosing your career, you must consider certain things; things like your hobbies, what subjects you liked
best, the economy of your country, and most of all, your parents’ decision. Your
findings on all these will determine what suits you best as a career choice. Although
some of them have little or more roles to play in your decision making process,
the one that has a really major role to play is that of your parents’ choice.
However, for a number of reasons, your parents may not want you to choose a particular career. This is because they
may not feel equipped to fully help or support you with those career decisions. This can
happen because they have your best interest at heart and would want something
that will yield good fruit for you in the future. They would want you to make your choices from careers in law or medicine, or even something more practical instead of your dream of
being a painter or an artist, etc. Well, below are the some of the reasons why your parents may not support
your choice of career.
A TARNISH TO THEIR IMAGE There is this belief that the career