Job vacancies

Friday, January 13, 2012

Eradication of Structural Unemployment in SSA

Since this blog began i have defined unemployment, found out the different types of unemployment which were characterised by their causes and possible solutions. Given all this I would like to at this juncture point out the aim of all this; I was trying to trace my way to the mismatch between available jobs and the skill set in the job market; this we found was one of the two causes of structural unemployment; where the job seeker is not skilled for the available job vacancies. This is the problem careergong seeks to curtail in africa. is a website where RECRUITERS post job vacancies. The registered JOB SEEKER views the posted job vacancies then the JOB SEEKER’s CV is compared with the job vacancy posted and the JOB SEEKER is informed of her skill deficiencies with regards to the job vacancy viewed with a list of TRAINING FACILITIES where those skills can be acquired.. TRAINING FACILITIES/SCHOOLS are suggested to the Skill deficient JOB SEEKERS and the Skill deficient JOB SEEKERS’ contact information; phone number and email, are emailed to the TRAINING FACILITIES/SCHOOLS so that they can market directly to them. please note all Sub Saharan African countries are individually and equally represented.

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