Job vacancies

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Far too many job seekers do not see the value or the importance of setting themselves apart from their competition on their resumes. They get stuck thinking they’re supposed to blend in or look like other ideally qualified candidates. What they miss is the importance of being who they are and showing the employer the unique value they offer that other similarly qualified applicants can’t bring to the table.
You want to strike the perfect balance between showing you meet the requirements but also pointing out the benefits they’ll reap from choosing you over the competition.

Friday, June 3, 2016


Here’s what YEC community members had to say about building out a sales team:

1. Set Up a Solid Incentives Structure

“Don’t start building your sales team until you know exactly what you want them to accomplish. Do they need to deliver a certain amount of revenue? Build your presence in a specific market sector? Figure this out and set up your incentive structure (i.e. compensation) to reflect that.

2. Measure Leading Indicators

“Make sure you work with your sales team to set goals at every stage of the funnel.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


From the ad, the job reads like a dream. It’s in your area of expertise (yay!), paying a salary slightly more than the current rate (yippee!) and you can work from home (woo hoo!) fulltime. But as you reread the job ad, something just doesn’t seem “right” to you. Maybe it’s the typos or the AOL business reply address. For every real job posted online, there are dozens that are fake, meant to entice you to hand over your hard-earned cash. Here’s how to read between the lines and discover if the job you’re about to apply for is real — or not.
There’s no experience necessary. Even if you’re a fresh-faced college grad, you’re going to need some type of work experience (i.e. from previous jobs or even internships) in order to get hired. Be wary of ads that make it seem like anyone can do the job, because frankly, not everyone should be able to do any job.
The salary is too high. You’ve been out of work for quite some time, so when you read the job ad (and its salary), all you can think is, “Cha-ching!” But before you start dreaming of all that you’ll do with the money, do a little digging to see what the position you’re looking to apply for generally pays. Job scammers will post a much too high salary — sometimes thousands of dollars higher — to lure in desperate job seekers.
You need to wire money. A company wants to offer you a position but they’ll need you to process transactions for them. It doesn’t make sense, though, since you’re looking to work as a botanist, not a banker. In order to score a job, there should be no reason for you to wire money, process payments or even transfer funds.
You’re offered the job on the spot. You know that you’re a qualified candidate, but how does the hiring manager know? Hiring a candidate on the spot — and sight unseen — is a big sign that there isn’t a real job. Overzealous employers are generally a tip off that a job isn’t genuine. Actual employers take their time to research and get to know potential job candidates — going through many rounds of job interviews — before offering a position.
You’re receiving email from a non-business address. Legit hiring managers will have their company’s name as the ending of their email address (think: When a potential boss reaches out with an AOL, Gmail, Hotmail or any other non-company email address, though, red flags should be waving madly at you. Hiring managers and recruiters will send their correspondence from their business email address, not their personal one.
You’re asked to do an IM interview. Sure, we live in a tech-driven world, but today’s job interviews are still mainly conducted in person, via Skype (if the job is a telecommuting one) or via phone. When a recruiter contacts you and wants to do the interview via IM — or worse, via text — the job may prove to be a scam.
You’re asked for personal info. You’ve finally been offered the job position, but are then asked to supply personal information about yourself — such as your bank account and routing number. While a boss may give you several bogus reasons why they “need” the info — to run a credit check, to deposit initial funds into your account — there is never a real reason for a potential employer to ask for personal financial info about you.
The ad is written poorly. You noticed a couple of typos in the job ad. But then you also saw some mixed tenses and a description of the job that didn’t make a whole lot of sense. When an ad reads like it’s been translated, (or it’s unclear what the job actually entails) you can bet that it’s a job scam.
They contact you at odd hours. The business world operates 24/7. But hiring managers don’t. So if you’re consistently getting emails at 2:00 a.m. from a potential boss, take heed. For the most part, work emails will be sent — and answered — during normal business hours.
You have to pay for the job. Savvy job scammers are no longer demanding cash up front in order for a job seeker to get a job. They will ask for it in a seemingly innocuous way, such as asking potential employees to pay for their proprietary software or to pay monthly for insurance on a laptop they will loan you for work. You should never, ever have to shell out money in order to be hired to work.
When you’re job hunting, it can be easy to fall prey to a job scam. Stay one step ahead of the job scammers and you’ll find a legitimate job in no time.
For job vacancies, visit and apply
Visit  10 signs a job is a scam for more info.

Monday, April 11, 2016


According to the free dictionary, Success is defined as "the achievement of something desired, planned or attempted. It is a feat that many would want to be identified with.

Napoleon Hill wrote a famous book “Keys to Success” reveals the 17 principles he found in the successful men he interviewed. Maybe these traits could help you too. When you look at the chapter headings you will see listed many of the requirements necessary to set up or improve a business successfully or in fact to live a successful life.

Develop Definiteness or Purpose
Basically to be successful in reaching your destination you need a “road map” or plan to show the direction you wish to go and where you want to arrive, whether it’s a journey to another town or a journey in life.
Establish a Mastermind Alliance
In the book, his group is an imaginary group of famous successful men he admired. He visualizes them after studying their characters. He holds council with these men in his imagination. We may not choose to do that; we may consider how someone successful would tackle a problem however we all need the help of others to reach our true potential. We may get our help from studying books, the internet or meeting people.
Assemble an Attractive Personality
Ill mannered, bad tempered and irresponsible people that don’t consider others aren’t going to be very successful. Develop a pleasant demeanor; get along with people give that little bit extra in all you do.
Enforce Self-Discipline
Plan what you do and work your plan. If you plan to do something, do it, don’t procrastinate. Don’t let others down. Be reliable, on-time and enthusiastic.
Learn from Adversity and Defeat
 “Every cloud has a silver lining”, learn from your mistakes, turn failure around, stay positive and don’t give up.

 Cultivate Creative Vision
 Be creative, visualize what you want to happen practice as the athletes do in their minds. Use mind power for an easier journey to success.
Budget your Time and Money
As in self-discipline, don’t spend what you haven’t got, invest wisely, both money and time. Time is a finite resource don’t waste it.
You can also visit to view job vacancies.
For further reading (reference) 17 Keys to success

Monday, March 14, 2016


Motivation has to do with reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivation is a necessary tool for actualizing our objectives in an efficient and effective manner.
What are the steps one needs to take to be fully motivated and get desired results? Some of these are:
Know your goals!
To know your goal is to understand it, to love it and eventually live it. It is not good enough to merely set goals. The key (and here is the difficult bit) is to really understand your goal and to visualise it in all its glory. What does success look like? How will it make you feel when you achieve it?
One of the secrets of the ultra-successful, whether they are athletes or entrepreneurs is to visualise their success and the level of performance that it will take to get them there.
Work out who can help?
Every great individual stands on the shoulders of others and there is no reason why you should be any different. The people that surround us have a crucial part to play in keeping our spirits lifted. Knowing that you are not alone and that you have the support of others can be a vital step in remaining motivated.
Make a list of the people that can help you towards your goal.
Reward yourself along the way
The road to success can be a long and arduous journey with many a set-back along the way. Without littering the road with the odd reward it can feel like thankless task and before long your motivation will be gone with the wind.
Break your goal down and set markers where you can reward yourself for the hard work that you have done. For example if your goal is to change career or get into a new job, you could reward yourself once you have completed a particular training course or applied for a certain number of jobs.
Visit careergong NOW for job vacancies.
For further reading (reference)

Monday, March 7, 2016


Recruitment is not just about finding the right people to work for you, but finding the right people that will want to stay with you to get the desired results. This is because companies are now on high purchase for staff members who would yield good results for them. Therefore addressing long-term goals during the recruitment process becomes necessary, if not vital.
It has been well established that recruiting is important, and so is retaining top talent. To be good at it finding the right people that will help you get the desired results, you will need to make the best use of your interview to get what you really want.  There are few things you can do to get the best result, they include;
1. Ask simple but tough and intelligent questions. 
Try to find out how employees will handle situations by asking them very challenging questions, their response to the questions will determine how capable they will be to handle any situation if the need for such arises.
2. Be consistent
The tone of the interview, the intent of the questions, and the information looking to be collected should be the same. It helps determine both cultural fit and makes it easier to see which employees stand out most.

3. Remember, don’t be afraid to eliminate employees if they aren’t the right cultural fit. Such changes can lead to success, or at least help reduce risk. For many successful companies it’s all about finding the right people and keeping them.

For job vacancies, visit careergong NOW

Monday, February 15, 2016


Your CV is the most important tool you have to sell yourself; so how can you make yours stand out?

Don’t sell yourself short

Many professionals think two pages is the maximum length for CVs – but it doesn’t have to be. 

Looks matter

Keep your CV neat and well presented – use readable fonts and logical formatting. 

Always proof read

Double check spelling, grammar and dates –

Friday, February 5, 2016


Statistics have shown that between 80 percent to 90 percent of start -ups fail. This means that about only two businesses out of ten will still be up and running some years from now. Since entrepreneurs are expected to be optimistic people, there are certain things they should focus to be successful. These are outlined below.
Setting the company vision, communicating it and holding the line
An entrepreneur who wants to be successful must be able to create, define and maintain the vision of his firm.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


When choosing your career, you must consider certain things; things like your hobbies, what subjects you liked best, the economy of your country, and most of all, your parents’ decision. Your findings on all these will determine what suits you best as a career choice. Although some of them have little or more roles to play in your decision making process, the one that has a really major role to play is that of your parents’ choice.

However, for a number of reasons, your parents may not want you to choose a particular career. This is because they may not feel equipped to fully help or support you with those career decisions. This can happen because they have your best interest at heart and would want something that will yield good fruit for you in the future. They would want you to make your choices from careers in law or medicine, or even something more practical instead of your dream of being a painter or an artist, etc. Well, below are the some of the reasons why your parents may not support your choice of career.


A TARNISH TO THEIR IMAGE  There is this belief that the career

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