CLEAR method is for both new employees who wants to set up new job goals to
lead them to successfully find a new job, as well as old ones who want to set
more job goals that will make them excel in their places of work. The CLEAR
method helps you consider your needs for achieving job goals, which may differ
from day-to-day personal goals.
stands for Collaborative, Limited, Emotional,
Appreciable, and Refinable.
CLEAR method forces you to think clearly
and deeply about what you want. You will consider roles your colleagues and
superiors play in accomplishing your goals, as well as other important goal-setting
principles like the depth and scope of a goal, and whether it needs to be
broken down into smaller, more achievable goals.
- Collaborative:
Many of your work goals will be much easier to achieve with the help and
endorsement of other people, it could be a promotion or an assigned group
task. Some of the goals will even require collaboration. Think about what
help you can enlist to achieve the goals you set for your job.
- Limited:
Limit your goal's scope to keep it clear and manageable.
- Emotional:
Consider how emotionally involved the people you collaborate with are by
looking at the work they gave to you. Also for employers, when you recruit
people for a goal or job, think of how to communicate what the job is all
about to the person, and other ways you can get them to fully commit to
the best possible outcome.
- Appreciable:
Try to break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable and ones.
- Refinable:
Be flexible, revise and refine your goals in a way you can achieve them so
you don't feel forced to follow a failing plan of action.
is important for you to make a change if you've had a tough time achieving the
job goals you set. You can make use of your favourite points to set yourself up
for success.
Good complement to "SMART" Goal principle